Service SETA
Our primary function is to facilitate skills development through learning programmes like leadership, skills programmes, internships and other learning programmes. We do this by disbursing grants to employers and skills development providers to offer training to employed and unemployed learners. As delegated by the Quality Council for Trades and Occupations (QCTO), our role includes overseeing occupation-based training.
People of all ages need to learn new skills. Others are already working but need to develop their skills and advance their careers. Others require new skills to gain employment.
The services sector contributes more than a quarter of South Africa’s GDP, with more than 3 million people employed. For the sector to thrive and grow, it requires competent and skilled workers.
By facilitating and funding programmes that build skills-sets required by the services industries (the workplace), the Services SETA bridges the gap between formal education and training. To fulfil its functions, the Services SETA partners with public and private learning institutions to deliver the training required.
A flourishing services sector that creates economic growth and inclusive opportunities for all South Africans. | Facilitation of quality skills development for employment and entrepreneurship in the services sector, for national economic growth. |
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