Kasi Kampus

LOVE your customer

Love your customer .pngHow to engage with, LOVE and KEEP your customers

Through customer engagement, your company can both meet customers' needs and increase its audience. Here are 11 effective strategies for customer engagement:

  1. Say thank you
  2. Amp up your social media activity
  3. Reward engagement
  4. Share your reviews
  5. Listen to feedback
  6. Collect and use data
  7. Keep your promises
  8. Offer a product guide
  9. Request referrals
  10. Host events
  11. Re-engage customers


It's really the simplest concept but many forget to apply it. Someone comes into your store and purchases goods to a certain value, include a small token of thanks, or send a designed Whatsapp or just a personalised message. Get creative with ways of saying thanks and you'll be astounded at how they keep returning. Customers like to be acknowledged for the choices they make. Acknowledge them when you're that choice.


It's about increasing your frequency but also improving the content. Talk about your customers, talk about what they like - our customers rate us highest on reliability - for example. If you're interested in really mastering social media, read more here.

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