Siyahloba Manje
Business and Professional Services
- Office No 2, No 4 Balsam Complex,
- Zakariyya Park, Gauteng
- 1813
The Team
Liyanda Winnie Ndaba(WITS Dental School - ORAL HYGIENIST)Liyanda Ndaba is a black South African female, born from a historically disadvantaged background and raised by both parents. Liyanda’s first gasp was in 2006, February 28. Mis Liyandas Ndaba is the founder member of Siyahloba Manje events management. Plain and simple, her experience hails from different organisations she worked for in the Gauteng region. She is currently overseeing all the day to day running of the business at Siyahloba Manje. She possesses the ability to identify and prioritise issues; and have the patience to sniff through projects diligently paying attention to what is required. Having worked on large projects, both as a coordinator, and as an administrator manager, she has the skills and ability to work effectively with others as a member of a team or organization and can handle awkward issues when they arise. She is, in short, someone who pays attention to other people’s sensibilities. Liyanda is not a negative leader because such leadership brings down the organisation. She is a leader with enthusiasm, with a bounce in her step, with a can-do attitude. Her experience has proved to be a successful part of an invigorating journey. She is a person with a positive attitude, not those who give reasons why something can't be done. Liyanda Ndaba has worked on various projects including Horticulture, Construction and building as a Project Manager. She has an experience spanning over a decade in projects management. She is one amongst the emerging young South African entrepreneurs whom are self-made. She believes in hands on approach in whatever she does. | Veronia Ntombi Hlatshwayo- MatyeniMiss N Matyeni is the managing partner at SIYAHLOBA MANJE and plays a vital role in operations management. Simply put, to enlist in another's cause, we must believe that, that person knows what she is doing. Leadership competence does not however necessarily refer to the operations planning abilities in the core technology of the business. As ops manager continues to be recognized in their respective field, Ntombi is chosen based on his ability to successfully lead others rather than on financial expertise alone. Having a winning track record is the surest way to be considered competent. Expertise in leadership skills is another dimension in competence. The ability to challenge, inspire, enable, model and encourage is demonstrated in his abilities while doing books for Siyahloba Manje events management and was seen as capable and competent for this responsibility. Our Personnel Chefs 2 |
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